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1:1 Dating Coaching

Not sure what that text meant? Can’t seem to find a decent match? Stuck in the same patterns? Well, I got you!

I’m the friend you never had, and the honest dating coach you need! Whether you’re in a relationship or seeking one, I’m here to talk through your problem one-on-one, provide personalized guidance, and find a solution.

After years of unhealthy relationships, and after escaping an abusive one, I decided to take accountability for my love life. After years of therapy, studying the art of dating, and learning from my own mistakes – I healed myself, and put myself on a path to dating success. I am now in a happy, secure relationship, and want to help you get there too.

My approach is honest, practical (because I’ve actually dated in the modern landscape), optimistic, and I tend to go deep. As a woman of color and immigrant, I understand the nuances of many cultures. And as a comedian, we’ll probably have some laughs along the way! 

If you’re ready to take control of your love life, let’s chat! You can book a 20, 30, or 60-minute consultation with me to discuss any relationship issues or dating dilemmas you’re facing. We’ll work together to create accountability and a plan of action that’s tailored for you.

Don’t let your relationship problems continue to hold you back. Take the first step towards a brighter future and book a consultation with me today. Together, we’ll transform you from a “kinda” dater to a total keeper!

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Profile Boost!

Tired of endless swiping without results? Are you a catch but not getting any matches?! Fret no more!

You already know me — I’m Natasha Chandel (dating expert and professional screenwriter), and I have joined forces with Luis Miranda (veteran brand strategist) to optimize your online dating profile for success across dating apps.

Oh, and we’re a real-life couple 😍

Our Story

After a string of our own failed relationships, and aimless dates, Luis and I (individually), decided to get more intentional about our love lives. 

We crafted profiles that stood out, were memorable, and were authentically us. We matched just three weeks before the pandemic lockdown, and recently celebrated our three-year anniversary!

We quickly learned that nothing in our lives had changed… except our profile! We met ON a dating app, have helped friends do the same, and now want to help YOU!

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natasha chandel boost profile

Natasha Chandel

I’m a TV writer, comedian, and dating expert who wants to help you find your voice!

I’ve made a career around storytelling, and understanding human behavior. I don’t want to change how you speak, but rather work with you to enhance it so you’re communicating what’s important to you succinctly, and at your best. Let’s do this!
luis kindadating

Luis Miranda

I’m a passionate brand strategist ready to unlock and elevate your strengths and unique identity.

With over 20 years of experience in brand strategy, I know how to transform your distinctive qualities into a compelling personal brand. Let’s optimize your authentic voice and image to attract the right match for you.

What You Get

  • Personalized Approach: We will craft a distinctive and authentic profile that showcases your personality and voice, attracts the right matches, and increases your chances of meaningful connections.
  • Expertise: As experts in our respective fields, we understand what works in online dating.
  • Convenience: Our hassle-free process includes easy online communication and fast turnaround times.
natasha kindadating

Choose Your Package

Profile Booster

  • 1 hour kick-off call to understand your goals, who you are, and the image you want to project. We audit your profile and approach.
  • 1 hour Zoom where we share our bio, copy, and visual optimization recommendations based on your goals, and that is authentic to who you are.
  • 30-minute call (one month later) to evaluate your results.
  • Email availability throughout the process

Who this is for

Singles, those recently divorced or widowed, who can’t seem to crack the dating app scene.

Profile Booster Ultra

  • Profile Booster package
  • An additional 30-minute call to analyze your DMs/messages, with recommendations
  • Email AND Whatsapp throughout the process

Who this is for

Long-term singles, those recently divorced or widowed, who don’t always know what to say, and struggle to communicate and connect with potential suitors.

Swipe The Doubts

Solely support calls with Luis and I to talk through your profile problems, and translate your questions into actionable solutions

Who this is for

Singles, those recently divorced or widowed, who are trying to navigate the dating apps, but prefer to do it in a hands-on fashion. You might just have some questions you want answered and will get a male and female point of view!

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